How to Simulate Realistic String Lines

Leandro Gardini
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The content of this page makes part of the course Scoring Tools Masterclass and is under the rights of Gardini School. 

How to Simulate Realistic String Lines

Hello there,
I have recorded a quick bonus lesson on how to improve your string sound speedily.

These little tips are the fundamental knowledge you must have to simulate a realistic string line. They will work like gold for every string library, so don't miss this one.

This short tutorial is an introduction of what I consider one of the most important aspects of string programming. If you apply this teaching to your midi orchestration you may experience a sudden improvement in your expression but of course this is not all.

The comprehensive tutorial of this subject will be available in several lessons of unit 703 of Scoring Tools MasterClass.
If you want to check my full Avatar Rescore project click on this link.

I believe the Avatar Rescore to be one of the most, if not the most, challenging project I have ever worked on because it demanded a lot of simulation of articulations and expressions that have never been found in any commercial library.

None of the sounds found in this project have been recorded by me. They are all fine manipulations of the sounds found in the commercial libraries and throughout the entire Scoring Tools Masterclass course I give details about how I have programmed them.

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